The Simpson Journey

Four Simpsons on a journey through life and locations

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I Got “The Call”

This afternoon I got “the call” from my boss with an official offer.  The wait is finally over!  Or, somewhat over, or just beginning, depending on how you look at it.  First my boss confused me by saying he had good new and bad news but there was never any bad news so I was waiting for the other shoe to drop for half the call before finding out there wasn’t bad news.

However, the good news was very good news. I feel that I got everything I wanted and even more so praise God for his favor and blessings! 
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Waiting and Psalm 62

So we have been waiting on news from my company and there always seems to be something new to have to wait for. I guess we are all waiting for something and it starts to wear on  you. I’m not the most patient person so waiting is difficult for me.

This weekend it was waiting for news from the corporate HR meeting with my divisional HR as well as Japan alignment on the position. I was hoping to have news on Friday but I’m still… waiting..

During church this morning I picked up a bible and flipped to the Psalms and chapter 62 (NLT) jumped out at me: Continue reading

A letter to our family

Hey family,

I wanted to go over this in our family call but it hasn’t worked out the last couple weeks so I’m going to use email and we can follow up with conversation later. First of all, I’m guessing that most of you noticed that we got a Facebook account for Zeke & Anna and I want to tell you about that but I can’t really explain it without unraveling Japan. So here’s the BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front) as Charles would say: We are very likely going to move to Japan for 1-2 years for Boston Scientific!
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Simpsons on the move?

Caleb took a  business trip to Japan Sunday January 31st through February 4th 2016.  With a 13 hour flight and lay flat seats he felt well taken care of and was able to sleep most of the trip.  Arriving in Japan and working with the Boston Scientific (BSC)Japan team it became obvious  that they needed extra help  in planning and launching Rhythmia to the Japan market.  If handled correctly BSC could go from 2 percent market share to (hopefully) well over 10 percent.  Rhythmia’s groundbreaking technology will be well received in Japan.  This is a great opportunity for BSC Japan but they are so focused on the Cardiac Rhythm Management (CRM) side of the business that they might miss it.

Caleb used his Japanese skills learned in high school and quickly made a good impression.

Partway through the trip Caleb texted me and half jokingly said “want to move to Japan…. it’s kind of the semi running joke.”   Continue reading

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